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Meet the Curator

Genuine art knows no boundaries. Like the imagination itself, and whether born at the intersection of madness and wisdom or taking shape at the convergence point of dream and reality, it claims its own irreducible spaces of expression, unencumbered by rules.

I believe what ultimately drives and animates art is love. Without love, this most crucial of elements, art can be hollow and soulless, a mere exercise in mechanical gesturing or posturing, no matter how pretty or clever the end product might be.

The She Loves Exhibition came into being through a core, impassioned desire to explore the myriad expressions and manifestations of love. As I shared the idea with the artists who one after the other came onboard to take part in the She Loves Exhibition, I was heartened by not only their unalloyed enthusiasm, but also energetic willingness to push the envelope. My one condition was that there could be no conditions. No rules, no limitations, no boundaries, in terms of composition, genre, and medium alike.

So it is that the wonderful, highly accomplished artists featured in the She Loves Exhibition come from a diversity of artistic backgrounds and include painters, fashion designers, architects, floral artists, photographers, graphic designers, landscape architects, video artists, and illustrators, among others. And so it is that the works that will be showcased during the three days of the She Loves Exhibition run the gamut of expression, from the dead-serious to the tongue-in-cheek, and from the ironic to the in-your-face—all celebrating the inherent inexhaustibility of this thing we call love, across the planes of the spiritual, the emotional, and, most importantly, the imaginative. These works, collectively, have given birth to a lush, magnificent “quilt of love,” rising to the occasion beyond my wildest expectations.

The She Loves Art Collective

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